Monday, April 25, 2011

Jeffrey Shaw

Jeffrey Shaw was born in Australia in 1944. His work consists of new media, performance, sculpture, video and interactive installations. He is known for his creative “use of digital media in the fields of virtual and augmented reality, immersive visualization, navigable cinematic systems and interactive narrative.” One of Shaw’s famous works is “The Legible City.” In this piece the visitor is able to ride a stationary bicycle through a simulated city. The simulation uses the actual cities of Manhattan, Amsterdam and Karlsruhe. The architecture of the cities is replaced by texts.
I really like the idea of this piece because the visitor is basically traveling through words. The visitor is also able to control direction and speed so he/she actually feels as if he/she is traveling through the cities. The visitor is able to make decisions on where to go and what paths to choose. The Manhattan version also consists of eight separate fictional story lines. The visitor is able to choose which path to follow for a narration. I would really enjoy seeing this piece because I would be able to interact with the art hands-on. 

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